Harmonized Living

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Tools to Support Detoxification

For our immune systems to function optimally and respond to the viruses and bacteria in constant circulation, it’s essential that our bodies are able to detoxify effectively on a daily basis.

Most detoxification occurs while we are sleeping. All of our vital organs rest and renew themselves and parts of our digestive systems get to rest as well.

Certain herbs can be supportive if you would like to enhance certain organs’ detoxification pathways.

Here are some ideas for ways to begin.

Liver: artichoke, dandelion root, milk thistle, turmeric

Lungs: mullein, red clover, bacopa, peppermint

Lymphatic System: echinacea, chlorella, cleavers

Kidneys: corn silk, artichoke, dandelion root, burdock

Skin: burdock, dandelion root, red clover, chamomile

Blood: parsley, hibiscus, hawthorn berry, garlic

Gut: aloe, slippery elm, marshmallow, fennel seed, ginger

If you would like to learn more about the signs of inflammation in each organ system, you can read this post and buy my book here.